BBQ Grilled Prawns with Garlic, Lemon & Chilli

These BBQ Prawns are something to get fired up about. They’re so easy to make, utterly delicious, healthy, require just 5 ingredients, and are ready to serve in 30 minutes.

Imagine an early evening BBQ surrounded by your nearest and dearest, with the heady aroma of smoky, succulent prawns and a hint of garlic being grilled over glowing coals. And they’re even better when enjoyed with terrific company, something cold and crisp, and served with wedges of lemon and fresh crusty bread.

The Secret to Amazing Aglio E Olio

The sauce we’re making is based on simple ingredients found in a classic Aglio e Olio – olive oil, garlic and chilli. We’re also adding some fresh parsley and the zest and juice of a lemon. And that adds a whole extra dimension of deliciousness to seafood.

There are two secrets to creating the perfect Aglio. Firstly, use a really good quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil, and two: gently toast the garlic in the olive oil when frying, so it’s no longer raw. You’re aiming for a light golden brown. Too light and you’re missing out on the flavour, too dark and it’s a bit like your ex – all bitter.

When making the sauce, err on the side of generous, because remember some of that sauce will slide off as it cooks on the grill.


From Your Pantry

  • 1/3 cup olive oil
  • Salt & pepper to taste
  • Your 5 Ingredients
  • 8 large Prawns (prepared with shells still on but vein removed)
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1–2 chillies
  • 1 Tbsp / 2g fresh parsley
  • 1 lemon – juice and zest


  • Fresh lemon wedges for serving
  • Fresh crusty bread of your choice for dipping in the sauce

For the Barbecue

  • Firelighters
  • Charcoal
  • Matches or lighter
  • Glass of water


  1. Get your fire started by placing a few firelighters into the bottom grill of the BBQ and once alight, top with charcoal, piling it in the middle to get a concentrated central heat source.
  2. While your BBQ is heating up, make the sauce for the prawns by adding the olive oil to a pan. Grate in the cloves of garlic. Using a sharp knife, finely slice the chillies and add it to the pan.
  3. Fry over medium heat for 2 minutes, then add the zest and juice of the lemon and cook gently so the garlic is no longer raw. Take care not to overcook the garlic.
  4. Pour half of the olive oil and garlic mixture over the cleaned prawns. Massage the marinade under the shell so the prawns are evenly coated to distribute the flavour.
  5. Check your BBQ. Your coals should all be white hot, with no black areas left. Place a clean grill over the coals and we are ready to cook.
  6. Your coals should be hot enough so the prawns sizzle when placed on the grill. You want the prawns to get slightly charred on each side but not burnt. Flames may spring up and envelop the prawns as the oil drips onto the coal – make sure the prawns aren’t completely engulfed in an inferno. If the flames get too intense, sprinkle a little water from a glass with your fingers to calm the fire.
  7. Once the prawns are pink and charred on one side, (approximately 45 secs-1 min) flip them and cook on the other side. Once the shells are a pinky-orange and the meat is a pearl white, take them off the fire and place them onto a clean tray. Pour over the remaining garlic, lemon and chilli sauce.
  8. Serve immediately, with optional lemon wedges and fresh crusty bread.

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About the Author: Kathleen McGinty

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