Can’t Believe How Delicious! These Mushrooms with Vegetables Are Better Than Meat (EASY AND FAST)

This recipe is perfect for busy weeknights or when you’re craving something satisfying yet lighter than a meat-centric dish. Trust us, the combination of savory mushrooms and colorful vegetables is so delicious, you won’t even miss the meat!

Let’s be honest, weeknights can be a battle zone. Between work, errands, and the never-ending to-do list, who has the time (or energy) to slave over a hot stove? This was me just last Tuesday. Staring into the fridge with a grumbling stomach, I desperately needed a meal that was:

  • Lightning fast: Because those “30-minute” meals never seem to live up to the hype.
  • Flavor bomb: Because bland just wasn’t going to cut it after a long day.
  • Satisfying, yet vegetarian: Meatless meals sometimes leave me feeling hungry again an hour later.

As I scanned the fridge contents, a forgotten package of mushrooms caught my eye. Inspiration struck! Mushrooms are like culinary chameleons – they absorb flavors beautifully and have a naturally meaty texture that can hold its own in any dish.

This recipe is the result of that fridge-foraging frenzy, and let me tell you, it did not disappoint! It’s bursting with flavor, comes together in under 30 minutes (promise!), and left me feeling full and satisfied without the heaviness of a meat-based meal.

Ready to ditch the weeknight blues and embrace the magic of mushrooms? Let’s get cooking!


  • 150 grams of rice
  • 450ml of water
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 400 grams of mushrooms
  • Vegetable oil
  • 1 onion
  • 2 Bulgarian peppers
  • 1/2 chili pepper
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon of rice vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon of ketchup
  • A bunch of parsley
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Prepare the Rice:

  1. Rinse the rice with water until the water runs clear.
  2. In a pot, bring 450ml of water to a boil and add a teaspoon of salt.
  3. Add the rinsed rice to the boiling water and cook for 12 minutes or until the rice is tender and fluffy.

Cook the Mushrooms:

  1. Clean the mushrooms and slice them thinly.
  2. Heat some vegetable oil in a pan over medium heat.
  3. Add the sliced mushrooms to the pan and fry them until they develop a golden crust, stirring occasionally. This should take about 5-7 minutes. Once done, set aside.

Prepare the Vegetables:

  1. Chop the onion, Bulgarian peppers, chili pepper, and garlic clove finely.
  2. In the same pan used for mushrooms, add a little more vegetable oil if needed.
  3. Sauté the chopped onion, peppers, chili pepper, and garlic with a teaspoon of sugar until they become fragrant and slightly caramelized.

Flavor the Dish:

  1. Once the vegetables are cooked, add the fried mushrooms back into the pan.
  2. Pour in 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of rice vinegar, and 1 tablespoon of ketchup.
  3. Stir well to combine all the ingredients and let the flavors meld together for a couple of minutes.

Final Touches:

  1. Season the dish with salt and pepper according to your taste.
  2. Garnish with freshly chopped parsley for a burst of freshness and color.

Serve and Enjoy:

  1. Plate your delicious mushrooms with vegetables alongside the cooked rice.
  2. Dive in and savor every bite of this savory, umami-packed dish. Bon appétit!


  • Feel free to experiment with different types of mushrooms. Cremini, shiitake, or a mix of your favorites would all work well.
  • Want to add some protein? Tofu, tempeh, or chickpeas would be fantastic additions. Simply cook them according to package instructions and add them to the pan with the vegetables.
  • Don’t have fresh bell peppers? Frozen bell peppers, thawed and chopped, will work in a pinch.
  • Adjust the spice level to your preference. If you don’t like heat, omit the chili pepper or use less.

This recipe is a fantastic way to explore the versatility and deliciousness of mushrooms. So ditch the takeout menu and whip up this satisfying stir-fry in no time!

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About the Author: Kathleen McGinty

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