Once You Made This Tasty Meat, Potatoes and Cheese Recipe, Your Friends Will Ask for The Recipe

Step into the cozy warmth of Grandma’s kitchen, where secrets of flavor are whispered through generations and every dish tells a tale of love. Today, I invite you on a culinary journey to discover one of Grandma’s most cherished recipes—a delightful symphony of meat, potatoes, and cheese that will tantalize your taste buds and leave you yearning for more.

In Grandma’s kitchen, time seems to slow down, and every ingredient holds a story of its own. Picture the scene: three slices of bread, gently soaking in a bath of milk, as if preparing for a transformation. Meanwhile, 600 grams of minced meat mingle with the sweet aroma of onion, the earthy richness of garlic, and the subtle warmth of parsley, forming the heart and soul of our culinary masterpiece.

But wait, there’s more to this enchanting tale! As the meatballs take shape, our attention turns to the humble potato—a staple of comfort and sustenance in kitchens around the world. With a few swift strokes, the potatoes are grated and rinsed, ready to play their part in our savory symphony.

And then, there’s the cheese—oh, the cheese! Grated to perfection and mingled with crisp cucumbers and creamy mayonnaise, it adds a layer of indulgence that elevates our dish to new heights of culinary delight.

But the magic doesn’t stop there. As our creation basks in the warmth of the oven, aromas dance through the air, teasing our senses and beckoning us closer. The anticipation builds as we wait, knowing that something extraordinary is about to emerge from the depths of Grandma’s oven.

And emerge it does, golden and glorious, a testament to the timeless wisdom of Grandma’s kitchen. As we gather around the table, plates brimming with warmth and flavor, we savor each bite, knowing that we are partaking in something truly special—a taste of tradition, a slice of family history.

So, my friends, I invite you to join me on this culinary adventure. Let us unlock the secrets of Grandma’s kitchen together, one recipe at a time. For in her timeless dishes, we find not only sustenance for the body but nourishment for the soul—a taste of home, a reminder of love.


  • 3 slices of bread, soaked in milk
  • 600 g (1.3 lb) minced meat
  • 1 onion
  • 1 egg
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • Black pepper
  • Parsley
  • 4 potatoes, grated and rinsed
  • 4 cucumbers, grated
  • 100 g (0.2 lb) cheese
  • Mayonnaise
  • Salad mix
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1/2 onion
  • 5 cherry tomatoes
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1 teaspoon salad seasoning
  • Olive oil


Prepare the Meat Mixture:

  1. In a bowl, combine the soaked bread, minced meat, finely chopped onion, egg, minced garlic, salt, black pepper, and chopped parsley.
  2. Mix the ingredients until well combined and form them into meatballs.

Prepare the Potato and Cheese Layer:

  1. Grate the potatoes and rinse them to remove excess starch.
  2. Grate the cucumbers and mix them with grated cheese and mayonnaise.

Assembly and Baking:

  1. Preheat your oven to 180°C/356°F.
  2. In a baking dish, layer the bottom with the meatballs evenly.
  3. Cover the meat layer with the potato and cheese mixture.
  4. Bake in the preheated oven for about 45 minutes or until the top is golden brown and the meat is cooked through.

Prepare the Salad:

  1. While the dish is baking, prepare the salad by chopping the cucumber, onion, and cherry tomatoes.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix the chopped vegetables with salt, pepper, salad seasoning, and a drizzle of olive oil.

Serve and Enjoy:

  1. Once the meat, potato, and cheese dish is done baking, remove it from the oven and let it cool for a few minutes.
  2. Serve the dish warm alongside the fresh salad.
  3. Share this delicious recipe with your friends and family, and enjoy the warm compliments that come your way!


  • You can use any type of bread for the meatballs, such as white bread, wheat bread, or even breadcrumbs.
  • If you don’t have fresh parsley, you can use dried parsley instead.
  • You can adjust the amount of cheese to your liking.
  • For a vegetarian option, you can omit the meatballs and simply bake the potato and cucumber mixture.

Grandma’s meat, potato, and cheese recipe is not only a satisfying meal but also a taste of nostalgia and tradition. With simple ingredients and a whole lot of love, this dish is sure to become a favorite in your household too. So, roll up your sleeves, get cooking, and savor the joy of homemade goodness!

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About the Author: Kathleen McGinty

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