Top 10 Must-eat Traditional Angolan Foods

Angolan Foods – Are you on the lookout for some lip-smacking Angolan recipes to spice up your menu? Look no further because I have got you covered! In this post, I am going to share an amazing list of Angolan dishes that will leave your taste buds craving more. Believe me when I say, we are about to satisfy your hunger pangs!

But wait, there’s more! This article is not just about sharing yummy recipes with you. I’m also here to expand your knowledge about these dishes and their cultural significance. In addition to the recipes, I’ll be revealing some interesting history and origins of these delightful dishes. Trust me, it’s going to be a fun and informative ride. So let’s dive right in!

1. Makayabu – Salted Cod With Sauteed Vegetables

If you like dry fish, it is an excellent experience if you have a chance to try Makayabu in Angola. Although it is famous in Angola, Makayabu is authentic Congolese food. Cacusso or codfish plays a vital role in making this fantastic recipe.

After soaking for about 2 hours in the water, the chef will marinate the fish with spices, salt, tomato, vinegar, and cooking oil before cooking. Angolans usually eat it with Funge, Kizaca, Calulu, and cabbage to enhance the taste.

2. Muamba de Galinha – Angolan Chicken Stew

Muamba de Galinha is a great recipe to fill your hungry stomach. This food appeared on the CNN list of the world’s 50 best foods in 2011. The dish originated in Central Africa and is a national food of Angola.

You will be addicted to the flavor of this chicken stew. Chefs will slowly cook chicken with squash, okra, and Muamba de dendem (red palm oil sauce) to make this delicious and attractive food.

The restaurant often serves it with Funge (cassava flour cooked in boiling water). Occasionally, chefs will add Gindungo, a kind of Angolan hot chile pepper, to this food to create a spicy kick.

3. Cabrito – Goat Meat Stew

If you are a fan of goat meat, you should not miss Cabrito. Goat meat is a common ingredient in many foods of Angola. You can easily find goat meat products of Angola exported to many countries worldwide.

You will immerse yourself in the tenderness and fantastic flavor of goat meat cooked with onions, herbs, and salt. Angolans usually eat it with rice, Calulu, Jimboa, and Kizaca during celebrations, parties, and other special occasions.

4. Kissuto Rombo – Roasted Goat Meat With Lemon Juice

Kissuto Rombo is a traditional recipe of Angolan cuisine. This food includes goat meat, lemon juice, garlic, hot peppers, white wine, and other spices. To make this dish, chefs marinate meat with spices overnight to cook it the next day.

When roasting the meat in the oven, the chef will baste it with white wine regularly to enhance its flavor. This delicious food is a perfect option to combine with rice and chips. Impressively, the meat still retains tenderness and juiciness after roasting.

5. Fumbua – Wild Spinach Stew

Fumbua is a food made from leaves found in tropical forests in Africa. These leaves only grow naturally, and people cannot cultivate them. This stew contains tomatoes, onions, palm oil, and ground peanuts.

It is a specialty in the North of Angola and is favored by the people here. Besides, Congo is also the nation where this food is popular. Fumbua contains many vitamins and is often eaten with Funge, Bagre Fumado, and Chickuanga.

Treat your loved ones by cooking outstanding Fumbua.

6. Cachupa – Cape Verde Sausage Stew

Cachupa used to be food for poor people with low prices and high nutritional value. This food is derived from Cape Verde (an island in the West African coastal region) from the 15th century when Portuguese colonists grew American veggies.

When it was introduced to Angola, it was modified to suit the local taste by Angolans. Besides beans as the main ingredient, you will find meat, potatoes, bacon, sausage, cassava, and cabbage in this food.

It has many different versions. Typically, you will find more ingredients in the Cachupa Rica version, while the Cachupa Pobre version will have fewer ingredients. Angolans also re-fry leftover Cachupa to serve with eggs or other dishes for breakfast.

7. Farofa – Toasted Cassava Flour

Farofa is a nutritious recipe created by Tupi-Guarani Indians in Brazil. Later, Portuguese colonists invaded the land, learned how to make the dish, and spread it to other colonies under their control, including Angola.

Despite originating in Brazil, this cassava flour-based food is prepared commonly across Angola. This nutritious food usually appears with meat, beans, and rice dishes. The chefs also toast it with sausage, pork, and eggs until the Farofa is golden brown.

8. Funge

Funge is the basic dish of the Angolan diet, and it’s the most popular food in the country. It is made of fuba (flour) of corn or cassava (yuca). The northern region of Angola eats more funge made of cassava, and the southern part eats more funge of corn. Some people like the mixed version too, funge of cassava and corn.

The steps are very simple, but the process requires a little effort. The water needs to come to a boil and then the ingredients are poured into it, just like you would make mashed potatoes. You need strong arms to beat it in order to have a smooth funge without any clumps. It is normally eaten at lunch and can be accompanied by other dishes.

9. Kizaca

This is considered the most flavorful dish to be served with funge. Kizaca are the leaves of cassava. It can be accompanied by fish, meat, or chicken, and it is eaten everywhere throughout the country.

It is usually boiled and seasoned with the usual ingredients, tomatoes, onions, salt, oil, and vinegar. It’s easy to prepare and very delicious.

10. Molho de Tomate, Ovo and Chouriço

Sauce of tomato, egg, and meat sausage is a dish that is well known for being very delicious and easy to prepare. Traditionally it is made with tomato sauce, garlic, meat sausage, onion, and boiled eggs, and that’s it.

Enjoy it with funge and a delicious mukua juice.

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About the Author: Kathleen McGinty

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